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    時事廣場 -新聞與氣象消息

    台鐵首輛電聯車28日發生冒煙意外 從英國少女、貴婦今變阿婆待報廢 上報快訊?李紹瑜 2018年07月28日 17:40:00 有「英國貴婦」之稱的台鐵首輛電聯車,28日行駛東竹站突然過熱冒煙, 在進站隔離後恢復正常,延後7分鐘後便持續行駛終點站台東。已40餘歲 的它,曾經風光的超越柴油車的行駛時速紀錄,但由於事故頻繁、修繕零 件停產,如今成為待報廢的台鐵備用車。 車型EMU100電聯車,28日下午3時許行駛東竹站突然過熱冒煙,原因是其 第七車第四馬達過熱,於東竹站停車隔離後恢復正常。台鐵機務處也隨 即說明,電聯車只是輕微故障,全程只花5分鐘排除,隨後停靠山里站, 延後7分鐘後,便持續行駛終點站台東。 這輛冒煙事故的電聯車來頭可不小,它是台鐵在40年前自英國引進首台 電聯車,曾以每小時120公里的速度行駛往返台北與高雄之間,以4小時 10分的時間跑完全程,打破了柴油車行駛的紀錄。 更有許多鐵路愛好者經常捕捉它的「倩影」,還暱稱它為「英國少女」, 但隨著它的車齡增長,也從原本的少女稱呼改作「英國貴婦」或「英國 婆仔」,但這也證明大眾對它的熱愛並沒有隨著時間減少。 然而,從前的風光仍不敵時間的日益衰老,曾有多次平交道事故,也造成 了5節車廂報廢。最大是故是在1981年的「頭前溪事故」,在一次北上行 程,在新竹頭前溪橋前撞上闖越平交道的卡車,出軌翻落頭前溪河床一節 斜靠橋樑及河床間。此事故造成砂石車司機死亡,列車乘客31人死亡, 130人受傷,此事件被稱為,導致ED110號報廢。 也是在此次事故發生後,所有的EMU100型頭尾兩頭皆塗上警戒色。 由於EMU100型車齡已經超過40年,故障頻繁且零件已經停產,已經達使 用年限,於2009年正式退出正班營運,並作為EMU300的備用車,目前固 定運行假日七堵至彰化及田中到七堵的1121、1120次自強號運用,並準 備報廢。 而台鐵也預計留下一組當作鐵道文化保存展覽之用,期待讓更多人能看 見台灣鐵路的歷史風光。 https://www.upmedia.mg/news_info.php?SerialNo=45338
    Aug 01, 2018
    1 min read
    David Beckham and Victoria Beckham Deny Divorce Rumors https://eonli.ne/2xTZUV1 by ZACH JOHNSON | Fri., Jun. 8, 2018 7:30 AM David Beckham and Victoria Beckham are not divorcing, despite rumors to the contrary. The fashion designer posted a message to her husband on Instagram saying she "loves and misses" him, just as various reports began circulating that the power couple is set to split. "There is no statement due or divorce," a spokeswoman for the couple told The Sun Friday. "This is just fake social media news. This is all very bizarre and an embarrassing waste of time." The couple's rep reiterated to E! News that the speculation is "absolutely not true." The Beckhams, who tied the knot in 1999, have four children together. The couple returned to the U.K. a few years ago, where Victoria continues to work on her eponymous fashion line and the retired athlete prepares to launch a Major League Soccer team in Florida. "David and I both respect that each of us are very, very busy; we are both running big businesses, but we do put the phones down, and sometimes we just talk," Victoria told ELLE last year, adding that "a good partnership" means helping each other find balance by saying, "You know what? I've got this." In a Good Morning America interview in January, David said he plans to spend "a huge amount of time in Miami." He also admitted his parenting style differs from his wife's approach. "I'm definitely a little softer with the kids. I let them get away with a little more than Victoria does." This isn't the first time Beckhams have faced split rumors, but as always, they stand united. David and Victoria would rather focus on charitable endeavors, as opposed to debunking divorce rumors. To benefit the We Love Manchester Emergency Fund, via Omaze, the A-list couple are auctioning off the outfits they wore to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. 奇怪的是,國內媒體都反過來下標。 幸福是假象?貝克漢遭爆出軌女兒老師 將宣布離婚 (TVBS) 低調二婚後..貝克漢驚爆又將宣布離婚 (中時) 貝克漢驚爆宣布離婚! 維多利亞抱女兒出面回應了 (ETtoday 星光雲) 貝克漢驚傳出軌小七老師將發表離婚聲明? (自由娛樂)
    Jun 09, 2018
    1 min read
    女童腸胃炎就醫竟死亡 家屬批疏失、院方盼司法釐清 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/2449758 2018-06-06 16:47 〔記者蔡宗憲?屏東報導〕恆春一名8歲陳姓女童,上月21日因腸胃炎 至恆春基督教醫院就診,由於女童嘔吐狀況嚴重,身體相當虛弱且有 心臟病史,院方進行止吐針及其他相關治療,不料女童突然心肺功能 停止,急救後轉高雄榮總醫院仍不治;家屬痛斥醫院醫療疏失要求賠 償,院方則期盼待解剖報告後釐清,雙方協調未果,死因仍屬各說各 話的羅生門。 「活跳跳進去,冰冷遺體回家,孩子死不瞑目啊!」女童家屬泣訴, 孩子當天不適嘔吐到恆基就診,打完一支止吐針後在急診室觀察,沒 想到短短一個小時內,孩子竟然休克急救,轉院仍不治,院方卻始終 不聞不問,協調過程始終不承認有疏失,高傲態度令家屬心寒。 恆春基督教醫院院長陳志成解釋,女童本身有先天複雜性心臟病在高 雄榮總開過刀和追蹤治療,當天看診時病童感覺不適,疑似在嘔吐後 ,意識發生變化,後續生命徵象迅速變壞,急診醫護人員立即施行急 救,並安排轉院至高榮,兩位兒科醫師、兩位護理師一起上救護車, 一路急救到高雄;後續院方多次致電關懷並前往慰問,盼等待解剖相 驗報告釐清真相。 陳姓女童父親表示,院方始終認為死因跟女兒2010年至今的心臟舊疾 有關,甚至提出孩子早已心肺功能低下、急診時喝水嗆到造成休克等 說詞,但女兒急診前都還正常到校上課,榮總也僅要求三個月回診一 次,難以接受院方推卸責任的說法,將到醫院撒冥紙抗議。 「小生命不能用錢衡量。」陳志成強調,尊重家屬所有權益,會全力 配合調查,靜待法醫相驗結果,在討論後續責任歸屬,希望家屬理性 討論,避免不理性動作影響其他患者權益,更傷害醫護人員士氣,影 響兒科醫師留在恆春的意願。 網路圖片: 家屬說醫院一針打死小孩 http://bit.ly/2sDjWhw
    Jun 08, 2018
    1 min read
    [出處] https://www.todayhives.com/tanzanian-conjoined-twins-die-aged-22/ Tanzanian conjoined twins Maria and Consolata Mwakikuti have died after suffering heart failure aged 22. The women, who were joined from the navel downwards and shared organs like the liver and lungs, had two hearts and separate heads and arms. They were admitted to a local hospital in December due to issues relating to heart disease but died on Saturday. The news has caused sadness in Tanzania, where the twins were well-known and loved. Many people took to social media on Sunday to send messages of condolences to the family and friends. Tanzanian President John Magufuli tweeted that he was “saddened” by their deaths, adding that Consolata and Maria had “dreamed of serving the nation”. In an interview with the BBC last year, the twins said that after t hey had completed their university education, they wanted to become teachers. “We will teach using a projector and computers,” they said. People later remarked on their determination to acquire higher education qualifications regardless of a challenging system, which often found their condition hard to accommodate. They were able to continue their studies as they grew older thanks in part to funding from local government and private donations. Maria and Consolata, who were against the idea of being surgically separated, also told the BBC that they hoped to get married to one husband someday. The two, whose parents died while they were still infants, were raised by the Catholic charity Maria Consolata, which had adopted and named them. Last year, their high school graduation triggered a wave of congratulatory messages nationwide. Stay Updated, Follow us on Twitter or facebook.
    Jun 06, 2018
    1 min read
    自明日起,氣象及新聞都會開始測試發送 發送時段目前修改如下: 一、新聞: 早報-8時 午報-12時 晚報-18時 二、天氣: 早報-7時 午報-13時 每日發送五篇 另外也會設定看板文章上限以節省資源 每周日會隨著系統文章維護時清除舊文章 預計設定在 5(篇) * 7(天) + 5(篇公告) = 40篇 因此看板最高只會有40篇文章一同存在 還有還有 NewsBoard在Web是全公開看板 免登入即可快速掌握新聞、天氣消息 歡迎多加利用 若有任何建議,請洽BBSSuggest :)
    Apr 23, 2018
    1 min read




